Guide to issuing a building permit
Guide to issuing a building permit
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שלב 1: הגשת בקשה למידע וקבלת מידע
ימי עבודה: 5 ימי עבודה לבדיקת עמידת הבקשה בתנאים מוקדמים + 30 ימי עבודה להכנת תיק המידע .
השלב הראשון בהגשת בקשה להיתר בנייה הוא קבלת מידע לצורך A building permit, for which a request for information must be submitted according to the process detailed below:
The request for an information file for the permit must be submitted via Licensing system availableopens in a new window and in accordance with the system guidelines.
The request involves a fee - Fee for the payment of the information file for the permit >opens in a new window
Ordering information for the purpose of submitting an application for a building permit will be performed by the applicant only (according to the definition in the law).
Access to the available licensing system is performed by an architect/engineer only.
Within 5 working days of submitting the request for information in an available licensing system, an information officer at the Licensing Authority checks its compliance with the threshold conditions.
If the application does not meet the threshold conditions, the editor of the application will receive a notification to that effect detailing the missing details and attachments.
If the missing details and attachments are not filled in within 30 days from the date of sending the aforementioned message, the request will not be accepted.
If the request for information was not received due to non-compliance with the prerequisites, a new request can be submitted without additional payment, provided that 90 days have not yet passed from the date of payment of the fee.
After confirming compliance with the threshold conditions, the request for information will be recorded.
The information officer at the licensing authority will prepare and collect the planning information from all the relevant parties, and will forward the planning information to the applicant within 30 working days.
The information received from the licensing authority is valid for two years from the date of receipt.
Step 2: Submission of permit application
Working days: 10 working days
You can apply for a permit as long as the received permit information file is valid.
The application must be submitted, by the applicant, through the website bLicensing system available
The application will be submitted when it includes all the attachments and documents required for the spatial control, and in accordance with the information provided.
The licensing authority will check compliance with prerequisites, including a parking annex and area development.
If the application was submitted properly, including all the required attachments, it will be accepted within 10 days from the date of its submission and a permit application will be opened.
In applications that include easements and non-standard uses, it is mandatory to attach the form of the easement.
During the period of checking the application's compliance with prerequisites, the application will be checked by the supervision for the purpose of checking the application's suitability to reality.
Step 3: Spatial control and licensing decision
Working days: 45 working days
Upon receipt of the permit application, it will be forwarded to the licensing officer/application examiners for review.
The Licensing Officer will forward to the application editor a concentration of requirements for amending the application, as needed.
The deadline for submitting a revised application in accordance with all the comments provided to the editor of the application is at the end of 40 working days from the date of opening the application.
The decision of the licensing authority will be given, upon completion of the spatial control, within 45 working days from the date of opening the application
There are 2 options for a licensing authority's decision:
1. Approval of the request under conditions.
2. Rejection of the request (refusal). In such a case, a notice from the licensing authority will include the reasons for rejection, and the application will be closed. -
התנגדויות של בעלי זכויות בקרקע, שיגיעו לרשות הרישוי בתוך תקופת הבקרה המרחבית, ייבחנו על ידה, ובהחלטתה תהיה התייחסות להתנגדויות.
The conditions for granting a permit are:
Completion of design control requirements/ obtaining approval from the control institute on the correctness of the application (see step 4 below).
Submission of the applicant's report on spatial changes or a statement that no changes were made following the design control.
Payment of fees and charges.
The decision of the licensing authority can include additional conditions for approval of the start of work, for the course of execution, and for the completion certificate only.
The validity of a licensing authority decision is for one year, and can be extended for another year.
Spatial control, dion in a local committee and decisional permission to request easements and licenses
Working days: 90 working days
The first step in the spatial control process in an application that includes easements or extraordinary uses is the same as the spatial control process in a normal application, as detailed in step 3 above.
Within 90 working days from the date of opening the application, and after the completion of the spatial control, the sub-committee will discuss the application, and will give its decision regarding easements and extraordinary uses.
Spatial control, and the decision of a licensing authority for a request in an abbreviated licensing procedure
Working days: 25 working days
The works included in the abbreviated licensing procedure are according to abbreviated licensing regulations.
The spatial control process is the same as the normal procedure and it takes 25 working days.
Step 4: Design control - 30 working days
After receiving the decision of the Licensing Authority, and to the extent that the application was approved, the applicant must immediately submit the application for design control at the control institute.
The application must include attachments in accordance with what is included in Appendix E.
In order to receive the application at the control institute, one must pay a design control fee, and pass the inspection of compliance with prerequisites conducted by the control institute.
The design control phase takes 30 working days and includes the review of the application by authorized controllers from the Home Front Command, the Fire Authority, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and professional controllers regarding the design of the application.
Within 30 working days, the control institute will convey to the applicant and the licensing authority a notice that the permit application meets the requirements of the building design or does not meet the requirements of the building design.
1. If the request complies with the design - the control institute will indicate in its notice whether spatial changes were made to the request during the design control, and will detail the changes that were made.
He will also recommend conditions for the following licensing stages (for the start of work, for the course of the execution and for the completion of the execution).
2. If the application does not meet the conditions of the control institute - the application will be returned for corrections, and the editor of the application will forward the application to the control institute for further examination. -
For your attention, as of today, control institutes handle new residential construction only.
This is a saturated construction, starting with 6 housing units on at least two floors, when the height of the building does not exceed 29 meters.
In all buildings that do not fit the definition of new construction, it is not possible to carry out the design control phase using an available licensing system. In these cases, all permits must be physically transferred to a licensing controller. If everything is in order, the licensing controller will give permission to transfer the request to the design control stage.
Step 5: Summary of the requeste and obtaining a building permit from the licensing authority
Working days: 15 days + 3 working days
After the control institute or licensing engineer confirms that the application complies with the construction plan, the application editor will prepare a report on changes made to the application, or a statement that no changes have been made, in an available licensing system.
Upon receipt of the control institute's approval and the requester's report, the licensing authority will summarize the request for the preparation of the building permit, and will issue a bill of fees and charges, which will be sent to the requester in an available licensing system and by email (within 15 working days of receiving the requester's report)._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_
After making the payment, the applicant will forward the payment confirmation by email to the licensing examiner.
The licensing authority will send the permit form (form 3) in an available licensing system, within 3 working days of receiving payment confirmation.
The construction permit is valid for 3 years from the date of issue.
The Licensing Authority may, for special reasons, when it comes to complex projects that justify it, set a longer validity period for the permit, not to exceed 6 years.

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